Friday, December 17, 2010

A Message from the Desk & Drum of David A. N. Jackson


I hope that all is well with you and yours; I trust that it is and will be.

Often I have opened my letters, correspondences, notes, IM's, chats, emails and written messages with this salutation, and more recently chose to close many of these with the salutation or self-description of: "I Am Sincerely ~ David A. N. Jackson.

Well both as you can guess are considered a little too much by some, accepted by many and ignored by a couple.

I realized that all too many times we in this cyber and technological era spend a whole lot of time avoiding and not connecting while we strive to electro connect and cyber touch. Well i am not a cyber hugger. I may email, chat, and or message you; but I will also stop what it is that I am doing in the middle of doing any task just to give you a call.

There ain't much substitution for real live humane human connection. So, in my typing on these keys that are hard to the touch I look to nurture and maintain the soft and resilient element of warm and breathing interaction.

Therefore I ask and tell

I Am Sincerely ~ David A. N. Jackson